Saturday, December 17, 2011

Congratulations Girl. Placers

Girls and boys placers

Chanda Newman.  3rd
Cheyenne Basher  3rd
Anna Systad.      3rd

Nick Corey.  4th
Sam Tate.   7th

Three girls in the top four.....waiting for the finals!

Anna, Chanda and the Bash-anator!

Sam Tate with a pin to move forward.

Hammerhead Girls Tourney

Chanda Newman first round pin, second round win 17-1.  Cheyenne Basher first round pin. Anna Sylstad first round pin.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The mighty T-Birds our feeder school at their first match of the year!

There are 5 little brothers of the Cardinal wrestlers on this team!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Parent meeting

Are parent meeting has been postponed and moved from tomorrow night at 630 to  thursday night at 630 in the corrigan room

Friday, October 28, 2011

Girls interest meeting follow up.

We had a good turn out for our girls meeting.  Twelve girls came out.  It not too late to join. Tell your friend.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Boys Wrestling Meeting

There will be a boys wrestling meeting Friday right after school in the CCC.   Be there.

Girls Wrestling Meeting

There will be a girls wrestling meeting on Thursday right after school.  Be there.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Custom personal singlets

If you would like a personal team singlets follow the link in the navigation bar.  $75 includes name, shipping and tax.  Cash or check made out to the FP Booster Club.  We will be ordering on Oct. 15th.

Matroom Update

We just receive new wrestling mat for our practice room.  They look great and smell great too.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Booster Club meeting

FPHS Booster club meeting is coming up this Monday night at 6:30.  If you can make it, it would be great to have more representation for our Wrestling Team.  If your not a member it only $10.  Please join and help support FP athletics.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Wrestling Room Update

Making a few last minute touches before the room is used for picture next Tuesday.  About 5 to 6 more weeks till the new practice mats arrive. . .  .  .  .  Show respect, get respect. GO CARDINALS

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Update

Wrestling room AC is now working, room has a new coat of paint and I off to a coaches clinic in Yakima.  Hope your having a great summer.  109 more days till wrestling!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lincoln Wrestling Camp

Great technique and moves taught yesterday.  Everything show will be components of our program next year.  Our wrestlers in attendance will be alittle ahead of the game.  Two days left.  Get here if you can, they pro-rate your registration fee.  This is where leadership is made.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lincoln Team Camp and Summer Weight lifting

If you are planning on attending our team camp at Lincoln, drop off your registration at the ccc at FPHS for coach Love or email me to make sure we get you in.  Also, I'll be running weight lifting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8am to 10am.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Captains applications will be availible on the website by Friday.  I you are coming with us to our team camp, turn a copy of you registration in to Coach Love by the last day of school.  Registration forms are also on the website.  You don't need to turn the money in then,  its just so they know how many wrestler are coming.

For any other questions see Coach Love

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wrestling Team Meeting

There is a wrestling team meeting in the CCC Friday June 3rd at 2:30.  Come and get the scope on whats going down this summer and next year.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Coaching Staff

After interviews this week it came down to a very close decision on who Franklin Pierce High School would offer the Head Coaching Position.  I feel very fortunate and blessed to have been offered and accepted the Head Coach Position.  I'm looking forward to continuing the great wrestling and traditions build by Coach Mendiola over the last decade.

Jonathan Love

Friday, April 15, 2011

Coming Soon

Franklin Pierce Wrestling introduces a new coaching staff.